Our Purpose
To find and implement solutions for serious coastal erosion and inundation risks at Haumoana, Te Awanga and Clifton, and unite the Cape Coast community to protect and promote the coastline as an asset for the wider Hawke’s Bay region.

Founded in 2009
The WOW committee of up to 15 members, has been operating continually since the group was formed by Ann Redstone in mid-2009. It meets monthly and more frequently when there are issues that need working through such as submissions to councils or to the joint council’s Tangoio to Clifton Coastal Hazards Strategy Group.

For seven years WOW’s technical team has been working with respected international coastal engineer Steve Moynihan of Moynihan Coastal Consultants (MCCL) to come up with a staged protection plan for the Cape Coast.
This work, undertaken at the suggestion of ongoing joint council workgroups, was as an alternative to an unaffordable proposal put forward by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) and Hastings District Council (HDC).
WOWs objective has always been to ensure any hard engineering protection is achievable, sustainable and affordable to the Cape Coast community.
While a groynefield of up to seven groynes from Cape View Corner to the existing groyne at the Tukituki river mouth has always been the preferred solution, there has been concern that Cape View Corner itself is the most vulnerable area and any solution, even an interim one, should start there, possibly with a stage one field of three groynes.
There is a current arrangement with both councils to restore the beach crest to an optimal height and for regular maintenance of that crest.
WOW will continue to monitor this undertaking and where necessary maintain contact with the appropriate people to ensure that work is completed satisfactorily.
WOW is a coastal protection advocate for all of the Cape Coast and will support plans to protect infrastructure, assets and property wherever practicable and necessary.
A number of variants on the groyne field have been considered and peer reviewed but the high cost of consenting and construction and the fact the cost has always fallen back in the community through a large targeted rate remains a major concern. All of this is currently under review in 2017-2018.
The alternatives have been ‘do nothing’ or ‘managed retreat’. WOW had previously costed the various options, and through a series of public meetings and submissions to local councils, kept locals informed of its progress. It has remained opposed to ‘managed retreat’ unless there is deemed to be no other option.
Since 2014 WOW and other community representatives for Clifton, Te Awanga and Haumoana and East Clive, Awatoto and Napier been actively engaged in the process of reviewing all the options available.
A driving factor is a central Government requirement that consideration be given to potential climate change and sea-level rise of up to 1.5m over the next 100-years. Part of the Coastal Hazards group brief is to consider all the options for the various parts of the coast including sea walls, groynes, rebuilding the crest, holding the line and managed retreat.
When the various costing are completed, along with a model of how to apportion those costs, the community will be asked for further feedback on how to proceed.
Those options will then be put to Hastings District Council to act on, and hopefully take the lead in progressing what the Southern Cell group has agreed on for our area.
WOW and other members on the coastal committee have been asking for a reassessment on how this region is valued.
Currently the so-called value is only considered on improved value of residential and commercial property.
WOW believes the true value is in the beach itself, the amenities that are here such as camping grounds and reserves as well as wetlands, lagoon, the cycle track and the social value and wellbeing of the community.
WOW will continue to oppose any proposal to place the full cost of coastal protection on those living closest to the coast as it believes this area is a regional asset and as such is used frequently by people from across the wider Hawke’s Bay and visitors from out of town.
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