From eyesore to asset
An opportunity for creative intervention to protect Hastings Council and other infrastructure with an attractive protective edge with picnic and reserve area
Revised submission to HDC Annual Plan re Saving Cape View Corner 4 June, 2019
WOW Inc would like to commend Hastings District Council for its partnership role in the Tangoio to Clifton Coastal Hazards process over the past three years and for progressing things to stage four where funding, trigger points and action items are now being considered. On behalf of the Cape Coast community, we look forward to being involved in this stage, to ensure appropriate coastal protection measures are put in place for the Cape Coast. We would also like to express appreciation for HDC’s efforts in expanding the Clifton revetment which provides practical protection in a way that visually enhances this iconic area. So many positive things are happening along our coast, with new subdivisions bringing more families into the area, council work on reserves development and associated landscaping along the cycle track, including the Te Matau a Maui Art & Heritage Trail which is revealing the hidden stories of the Cape Coast. Why we are submitting: This WOW Inc submission to the annual plan is to encourage urgent action to protect Cape View Corner, one of the most vulnerable places along the Cape Coast. During its 10-year existence WOW has evolved several preliminary proposals for a groyne field from Cape View Corner down to the existing Tukituki groyne. The best of those ideas are now embraced within the joint councils Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards plan. We will continue to support that process. In the interim, WOW believes Hastings needs to look at a solution to protect the infrastructure and assets at Cape View Corner including power, (est 3m from edge), water mains, fibre optic cabling, the cycle track and ultimately the access road to Te Awanga and Clifton.

With each storm event erosion continues to place this infrastructure and essential access at greater risk. When storms hit they most often take large chunks not small increments. WOW sees the Clifton rock revetment as the perfect example of what would work at Cape View Corner with the added benefit of armouring the coastal edge ahead of the groyne plan. This option has to be far less costly than risking damage to or failure of essential infrastructure at the corner or waiting to see what happens if we wait another three years for construction of a groyne field to begin. Such a structure would provide interim protection from further erosion currently undercutting the landward section between number 3 (‘the little green house’ now owned by Andy Coltart) for 45 metres north to the old Coastal information sign. The southern side of the ‘little green house’, if protected and tidied with a creative rock revetment extension, would make a great picnic area with a couple of tables and seats etc. One lonely table is currently in constant use but well bedded into the shingle. Andy Coltart has been approached about transforming his now boarded up property into a temporary sheltered deck with a couple of tables and chairs where people can ponder the wonders of our magnificent location. He’s open to further discussion while his wider plans are under consideration by the council. If this revetment on both sides is embraced within the ongoing landscaping and planting efforts of the Cape Coast Reserves Plan with steps and safe beach access, all the better. We believe such a structure, if well engineered like Clifton with large limestone rocks and an access to the beach (for beach scraping etc) on the southern side, would prevent further erosion for 5-10 years and provide a very attractive edge. The proposed extension of the HB Regional Council beach scraping consent to repair and broaden the beach crest in vulnerable areas such as the lagoons and Cape View Corner is an ideal complement to such a proposal. A proposal to turn Cape View Corner from eyesore into asset is also perfect fit with showcasing the Cape Coast and its most prominent landmark as the literal edge of Te Matau a Maui, and the renewed cultural and story-telling focus of raising Hastings profile as a creative centre. The revetment and armouring of Cape View Corner would be funded by HDC and supported by DOC, which owns the sections either side of the ‘green house’. Any work that benefits private property owners would elicit some level of private contribution which would need to be discussed. With the right contractors and spirit of co-operation, we believe such a project could be achieved at a fraction of the size and cost of Clifton. This should be seen as the stepping stone to further work including a groyne field, when that has been properly considered, costed and agreed to by councils and the community. The Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards process has scope for ‘urgent’ work to proceed ahead of schedule (eg Clifton) and this area fits exactly into that category. This much needed buffer zone would also give Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) a sense that Hastings is doing its bit to protect roading and other infrastructure, an area that councils have been warned to prioritise. WOW Inc, with full support from the Cape Coast Community Group (CCCG), would like to request that a budget be set aside, possibly including a portion from the sale of the Haumoana Community Centre, for this project over the next 18 months. In the meantime, we would like to see the council host a working group of council engineers, community representatives, interested council officers and members to further scope and firm up this proposal or an agreed variation. WOW Inc and CCCG look forward to discussing this matter with council engineers and senior DOC representatives to take advantage of this opportunity for creative intervention to save and protect Cape View Corner and essential infrastructure. Yours Sincerely Keith Newman Chairman Walking on Water (WOW) Inc Southern cell community representative on Tangoio to Clifton Coastal Hazards committee